
“This exceeded my expectations”

by Sara Vogt 11 Sep, 2017

Amazingly knowledgeable, curios and humble strategists from Systembolaget in Sweden attended a certification program to become Lotscoach® in Uppsala, Sweden the second week of September 2017. The program was held by Lotscoach® Hans Akerblom.

“LOTS® is so much more than just the steps of the wheel.”
“I had relatively high expectations and the were exceeded on several levels.”
“I am looking forward to when LOTS® is now becoming more digitalized. I think this will increase the use of the tool significantly.”
“Sometimes it feels a bit subjective since you are the founder of LOTS®. The manual is useful but could make use of some more inspiring figures, illustrations, pictures etc.”
“Very appreciated days and a big warm thank you.”
“We will meet again in October and November.”

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