
The importance of reflecting from outside-in and inside-out.

by Mattias 02 Feb, 2024

  Hans Åkerblom

To turn 50 as a philosophy, a language, and a tool and process for planning is significant. But honestly, perhaps it's most significant for those of us who work with LOTS® ourselves? At the same time, it's a fantastic opportunity to reflect on all we've learned and how we can use this knowledge in the next 50 years. The future doesn't exist; you create it with your thoughts and actions. So, what are you thinking? And what will you do?

On Friday, February 9th at 4:00 PM, we will listen to Hans Åkerblom, the creator of the leadership process later branded as LOTS®. He will share his perspective on the world and the importance of reflecting from outside-in and inside-out to make decisions sustainably. He will also explain why it's crucial for all organizations to know how they contribute to making our world a little bit better.

After the session, there will be an After Work event at Villa Isola in Luthagen, where you'll have the opportunity to purchase Hans' book "Change is Natural, and Everything Has its Time," which delves into his life, experiences, family, and encounters with interesting people in various types of organizations worldwide.

If you're interested in attending the event, please send an email to for more information. There are a few spots left.

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