Representatives of the younger generation of leaders in Japan spent a week in Uppsala, Sweden, the hometown of the leadership philosophy, common language and tool of LOTS®. The new generation of leaders came to learn and to become certified as a Lotscoach®. They were eager to learn and to apply LOTS®. It was my pleasure to certify them last Friday. We will stay in touch for further learning and support.
Hans Akerblom
Founder and CEO
Where do we therefore want to be and when?
A goal is a future position we want to be in or maintain. We move ourselves into the future and exp…
Econova meets LOTS®
Only 42 years young, Johan Rydberg has already managed to gain 15 years of experience as a leader. S…
How I apply LOTS®
With the structure and tool of LOTS® and by helping you reflect Outside-in and Inside-out in a s…