At a certification program with LOTS® the participants learn how to coach as a Lotscoach®. During the course of the program the participants learn LOTS® and apply the process onto their own important Issues. Each participant has the chance to act Issue owner as well as Lotscoach®.
At the end of Januari a group of people from a diverse range of Swedish companies took part in a certification program in Uppsala, Sweden. The program was conducted by the creator of LOTS®, Hans Akerblom.
The group appreciated being able to reflect on their own important issues and thereby learn more about LOTS®. The participants found that they were inspired to reflection and were given new perspectives by reflecting Outside-in and Inside-out.
Lotscoach® Hans Akerblom was especially appreciated because of his deep knowledge and extensive experience and the many clarifying real life examples.
The Yellow Card, which has been around for many years, received high scores and helps people working with LOTS® with following the flow of the process.
They now feel comfortable applying LOTS® also on home base and they look forward to day six and seven this spring, where they will exchange experiences and learn more.
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