Linda and Christian Tillman have had a week of learning the benefits of using LOTS® on smaller and larger real life issues. They will now support each other and practice what they have learned on a daily basis, and this will of course benefit issue owners in every field.
- My knowledge as Lotscoach® will be valuable in many different situations, professional as well as private. It's been great to learn how to facilitate in a structured way and to get personal feedback, says Linda Tillman.
- The highlights of the week have been to challenge myself and gain insights of both potentials and deficiencies, says Christian Tillman.
Reflection on Goals
Reflection on Goals On the last day of a five-day certification program, people learning LOTS® …
Where do we therefore want to be and when?
A goal is a future position we want to be in or maintain. We move ourselves into the future and exp…
Econova meets LOTS®
Only 42 years young, Johan Rydberg has already managed to gain 15 years of experience as a leader. S…