
About Hans Akerblom

Hans Akerblom, the creator of the process tool LOTS®, has held both CEO positions and board positions in many companies and has contributed to the launch of several major innovations internationally.

After completing his studies at Uppsala University, Sweden, Hans Akerblom had the opportunity to develop and lead Pharmacia Ophthalmics, which with the product Healon® revolutionized eye surgery in the world and made surgery both safer and easier. Patients with cataract regained vision with the use of Healon® and an intra-ocular lens. The success was facilitated by the process tool of LOTS®, which was used to plan, implement and follow up the business.

LOTS® was introduced on May 22, 1973, as a response to the fact that needs of change were met with either a reorganization of the business or jumping right into a variety of activities.

Over the years, Hans Akerblom has continued to develop the process. With its holistic approach and structure, reflections with LOTS® lead to increased focus and success.

LOTS® is the process tool for conscious reflections and sustainable decision-making, which increases the probability that we make conscious and good decisions about what we will do and not do for a positive development of what we do and of ourselves. It is used for planning and business development in many different types of companies and organizations.

With many years of experience and insights as a facilitator and Lotscoach® in various management groups and organizations, Hans Akerblom realized that the quality of the decisions made by management largely depends on the individual member level of consciousness.

Thinking and acting Outside-in and Inside-out in a sustainable way is a constant challenge for us as leaders and employees in an organization. By being aware of how we ourselves function, it becomes easier to make good and sustainable decisions.

With ”Team Lotscoach®”, Hans Akerblom now focuses on certifying the new generation of leaders as facilitators in LOTS®; Lotscoach®, and supporting the people who are already certified as Lotscoach®.

Read more about what a Lotscoach® is and does here.

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