Student Athletes and coaches from the University Athletic Conference met in New York City to reflect on how to improve in their roles as formal and informal leaders on campus. The UAA consists of elite academic schools which compete at the Division III level in sports. They include the University of Rochester, University of Chicago, New York University, Brandeis University, Case Western Reserve University, Washington University of St. Louis, Carnegie Mellon University and Emory University.
The coaches and student athletes were of the opinion that LOTS® has given them insights into their roles as leaders, and they are more confident of their ability to interact with others. Dick Rasmussen, Executive Director of the UAA said that he was pleased that the student athletes and coaches will now be even better leaders and role models after the conference.
LOTS® was brought to them by Lotscoach® John Dunnigan, N.Y.
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How I apply LOTS®
With the structure and tool of LOTS® and by helping you reflect Outside-in and Inside-out in a s…